TWPA 36 min

How We Care For Your Child

“The vast majority of parents and carers appreciate the support that their children receive. This includes for those children with special educational needs and/or disabilities.” Ofsted 2021

In order to support your children, we are committed to working closely with you and your family. We have links to many different organisations as well as our own experienced welfare team, who can provide support or help you find the support that you need.

As a school, we are incredibly proud of our pupils’ high standards of behaviour and their positive attitudes. Pupils understand what is expected of them, behave well and are respectful of each other, and of adults.

Relationships are positive throughout school and pupils demonstrate high levels of cooperation and social awareness. Pupils take great pride in their school and speak highly of what it means to be a part of our school community.

Pupils are happy and report that they feel safe and know how to stay safe. Effective systems are in place to support families and pupils with complex or different needs.

If You Have Any Concerns

If you have concerns about your child’s learning, friendships or issues linked to the school day, please speak to your child’s class teacher first, who will be able to help with most concerns. If it needs to be referred to someone else, the class teacher will be able to do that too.

In the rare event that the class teacher has not been able to help with your concerns, please contact one of the following members of our Leadership Team, via the school office on 0191 286 0333:

  • Years 3-6 - Mr Langridge or Miss Sparling
  • Years 1-2 - Mrs Keilty
  • Nursery or Reception - Mrs Curr

If your concerns are related to special educational needs, please contact Mrs Taylor (Special Educational Needs Coordinator).

If your concerns relate to any welfare or pastoral needs, please contact Miss Megan Archer (Welfare Manager).

If these staff members are unavailable or unable to assist you further, your concern will be referred to Ms Hann, Headteacher.