Performance and Results


Please view external links to our Performance Tables below:

Academy Performance Data

Exam Results

Key Stage 2 Results 2023/24


Progress Scores

No progress scores were reported in 2023-2024

Percentage of children reaching expected standard

Achieved the expected standard in reading = 78% (national 74%)

Achieved the expected standard in writing = 78% (national 72%)

Achieved the expected standard in GPS = 76% (national 72%)

Achieved the expected standard in maths = 74% (national 73%)

Achieved the expected standard in reading, writing and maths = 71% (national 61%)

Achieved a higher standard in reading, writing and maths = 10% (national 8%)

Scaled scores

Average scaled score in the reading test = 105.2

Average scaled score in the maths test = 103.5