TWPA 8 min


“Adults are strong role models.” Ofsted 2021

“[Pupils] relish opportunities to take on pupil roles and responsibilities. They talk with pride about being a member of the school council or a ‘Friendship Ambassador’.” Ofsted 2021

We understand that starting primary school is a very big step in your child’s life, and in yours too. We want to do all we can to ensure that each step into a wider world is successful, and as stress-free as we can make it.

We believe that a successful and positive transition into school, and also between year groups, is essential to long term social, emotional and academic progress. A successful transition is one that enables a child to settle into their new environment quickly, make friends, feel confident and be ready to learn.

In joining Thomas Walling, your child will have many new experiences, meet lots of new faces and will need support in adapting to new routines and rules. We think that this is easier for the child, if you are fully informed and feel comfortable and secure in being able to answer any questions your child may have. We will do everything we can to establish good relationships and communication channels with you.

We also provide a strong transition process to support your child on their journey through the school and beyond.

We have dedicated transition days, where children get to meet their new teachers and support staff. This means that when they start their new class in September, they are greeted by a familiar face.

Our Year 6 children go on to attend a number of local secondary schools, including Kenton, Excelsior Academy, Walbottle Academy, Studio West and Callerton Academy.

The transition to secondary school is an exciting and challenging time for many children. We work closely with secondary schools to ensure that our children are able to visit their new school and meet key members of staff. Children with SEND are offered extended transition arrangements, which include extra tours and taster days to help familiarise the children with their secondary school.